Our Services | Tests

Appointments for our services are scheduled with regard to the urgency as determined by the referring doctor and patient. We endeavour to minimise the disruption to patients’ schedules, by co-ordinating appointments for the same day, if possible. Ambulatory cardiac services are provided from our private consulting rooms.

Ambulatory BP Monitoring

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor (ABPM) allows your doctor to obtain a 24-hour record of your blood pressure (BP) that will assist managing your hypertension.

Sometimes, your doctor may record a high BP reading and not know whether you have established hypertension, or whether the high reading is a normal increase in BP due to anxiety (known as White Coat Hypertension). This test will help determine whether your BP is genuinely high and requiring treatment.

Monitoring your blood pressure

After the monitor is attached, you will be able to do most of your normal daily activities except showering and bathing. Therefore, we recommend that you bathe before your appointment and to wear loose fitting clothing.

The monitor takes about 15-20 minutes to attach and you will be required to return the following day, to our Consulting Rooms, to have it removed and analysed. Once the BP cuff is attached to your upper arm, it is then connected to a digital recorder. The recorder automatically inflates and deflates the BP cuff every 30 minutes during the day and hourly overnight and then stores the recording in its digital memory. When the cuff begins to inflate, you should keep your arms by your sides so that a more accurate reading can be obtained.

After the ABPM has been analysed by a cardiologist, a copy of the report is sent to your doctor.

Unfortunately, Medicare does not offer rebate benefit for this test. However, some Health Insurance policies will refund some of the costs for this test.