Our Services | Tests

Appointments for our services are scheduled with regard to the urgency as determined by the referring doctor and patient. We endeavour to minimise the disruption to patients’ schedules, by co-ordinating appointments for the same day, if possible. Ambulatory cardiac services are provided from our private consulting rooms.

 Exercise Stress Test - cardiologist geelong

Exercise Stress Test

Exercise Stress Test (also called Stress ECG, or Exercise ECG, or Stress Test) is performed within our Consulting Rooms and is always supervised by a consultant cardiologist.

This test is most often requested to assess people with possible coronary artery disease. An Exercise Stress Test can provide your doctor with valuable information about your symptoms, which may include: chest pain, angina, shortness of breath, exercise-related symptoms.

About the stress test

You will be required to walk on a treadmill whilst your ECG is continuously recorded and your blood pressure is intermittently monitored. The speed and slope of the treadmill is gradually increased, with the test finishing when you feel unable to exercise any further, or if the cardiologist decides it is best to stop.

There is no special preparation required by you, but we recommend that you only have a light meal if the test is being performed soon after eating. You should wear loose fitting clothes and a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes.

The test is generally safe, but you might feel uncomfortable if you are not accustomed to walking on a treadmill.

You might also develop your symptoms during the test, but if this occurs it is important to inform the cardiologist when the discomfort begins. The test takes 20-40 minutes from the time you are set-up to the time you are recovered, but the exercise component varies depending upon your level of fitness.